
Fairness has played a pivotal role throughout history, with the pursuit of equality and justice helping to shape the world that we live in today. Fairness also plays out in our everyday lives and in the lives of children as they grapple with real-life moments that feel “unfair.” “Fairness” in the context of social and emotional development refers to a child’s growing ability to treat others equitably and considering the needs and perspectives of others. The idea of “fairness” pops up in things like taking turns, sharing, and making decisions.

In this episode, three 6-8 year old children, Bodhi, Aubrey, and Will, visit with LKBH host Todd Loyd to talk about fairness. They then travel to the Land of Qook-a-lackas to help two Qook-a-lacka friends — Principal Quella and Korrik, the President of the Qook-a-berry Preservation Society — to restore fairness to the Land through a process of “qook-a-lation.” The kids listen to both sides of a conflict, ask questions, and then suggest fair solutions. 

Our guest stars on this episode are Vella Lovell, who plays the role of Principal Quella and Meredith Holzman, who plays the role of the President of the Qook-a-berry Preservation Society, Korrik. 

Sound design and mixing is by Ryan Marth, and the ukulele music you hear is by actor and composer Bill English.

Guest Stars: Vella Lovell and Meredith Holzman

Our guest Qook-a-lackas on this episode are Vella Lovell, who plays the role of Principal Quella, and Meredith Holzman, who plays the role of Korrik, the President of the Qook-a-berry Preservation Society. 

Educator Resources: Fairness

Explore the topics the episode to learn and build your children’s fairness: 

  • Fair or Unfair? A classroom game to practice identifying scenarios that are fair and unfair. 
  • My Turn, Your Turn! Play a turn-taking game to practice taking turns with one another.