Sparkler Is Now Statewide in CT
Sparkler Now Available to Providers and Families Across Connecticut
In October 2021, OEC Commissioner Beth Bye stood with Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut United Way President and CEO Lisa Tepper Bates, and colleagues at the CT Department of Public Health, CT State Department of Education, and CT Department of Children and Families, to announce that Sparkler is now available statewide to families of children 0-5 and to education, social service, and healthcare providers serving those families.
“Families have been through a lot,” OEC Commissioner Beth Bye said. “This is the moment to help families connect about and get in tune with their child’s development. Sparkler helps parents to check in on how their child is doing against key milestones and provides activities to spark their early learning. Supporting our youngest citizens is important for individual families and for our entire state. Given the challenges of COVID, connecting families to information and supports is incredibly important.”
Read the press release to learn more.
You can also watch some news clips to learn about the announcement: State Offering Free App to CT Families to Help With Child Development (NBC CT), New app launched in CT designed to support early childhood development (News 8), and Sparkler app for parents and caregivers to measure child developmental growth now available in CT (Fox 61).
Early Results
Since the announcement, Connecticut has seen families sign up nearly 2,000 for Sparkler and has seen more than 1,600 ASQ-3s and ASQ:SE-2s completed via Sparkler.
Of the ASQ-3s completed, about half were on schedule in all categories; 28% had a “monitor” in at least one category; and 21% had at least one “refer.” Fine motor skills led to the greatest number of monitors and refers.
There has been a particular interest in the social-emotional questionnaire since the statewide announcement, with the numbers of completions nearly keeping pace with the comprehensive ASQ-3, which covers communication, fine motor, gross motor, problem-solving, and personal-social skills. Since October 2021, 78% of ASQ:SE-2s completed using Sparkler in Connecticut have scored on schedule on this questionnaire.
All families who have completed screenings have received feedback from Care Coordinators at 211 Child Development or from their CT-based program/provider.
Since October, Sparkler has also onboarded dozens of new schools, districts, and other CT-based providers, who are now using Sparkler to connect with and engage with families.
Information for CT Providers
Sparkler is free for Connecticut providers and free for families, thanks to the CT Office of Early Childhood. Providers using Sparkler with families include: day cares, schools, and school districts, family resource centers, school readiness organizations, healthcare providers, home visitors, DCF workers, and more. Sparkler allows providers to offer:
- Developmental screening (ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2);
- Play-based learning activities and tips for parents to help families support their children’s learning from birth through kindergarten; and
- Connection — regular tips and two-way communication.
In addition to helping providers support and engage families, Sparkler also helps participating providers to comply with legislation and accreditation requirements:
- In July 2021, Connecticut Governor Lamont passed legislation to support Child Find, which is related to Sparkler. The new law says if a child is ineligible for participation in preschool programs under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act, they should be offered a screening for developmental and social-emotional delays using validated assessment tools, such as the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®. (ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are both available to families for free in CT via Sparkler.) Learn more from the State Department of Education. Here’s the form from Birth to Three for families not eligible for Part B. Learn more from Birth to Three about Referral Eligibility.
- Are you going through NAEYC accreditation? Sparkler can help you. NAEYC recommends that all children enrolled in an early childhood program should receive developmental screening within three months of program entry: Standard 4.C — Identifying Children’s Interests and Needs and Describing Children’s Progress. 4C.3 states: “Show that the children receive a developmental screening that evaluates language, cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, and social and emotional development.” NAEYC addresses the need for an assessment plan (specifically referencing the Ages & Stages Questionnaires) and the importance of communicating with families about all the areas of their child’s development, using both formal and informal opportunities to exchange information and to make them aware of confidentiality and disclosure policies.
Answer Questions & Get Involved
Are you a current provider working with Sparkler who wants to attend an upcoming training? Here’s our calendar. If you have questions, please check out our FAQ. You are also welcome to email us:
Do you need handouts, posters, and other materials to share Sparkler with your team or the families in your community — either printed or digital or both? Please fill out this form.
Are you from a CT program interested in using Sparkler in your school or program? Sign up here.
Are you a parent with young children interested in using the app? Learn how!