Practice Gratitude Through Play
Sparkler has thousands of activities designed to help children (5 and under) build important early skills and spark passions. Here are a few (off-screen) Sparkler activities that can help families help their children practice gratitude. Families can find these activities in their Sparkler mobile app, and providers using Sparkler can share them with families via Sparkler’s dashboard. All activities are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Filled With Gratitude (for children 3-5)
This is a collaborative game to share things we’re grateful for, played with a jar, plus paper and crayons/markers/pencils.
- Let’s write or draw people, places, and things we’re grateful for on small pieces of paper.
- Now let’s say a few words about each one, fold it, and put it in a jar. Let’s take turns, adding more and more things we’re grateful for into the jar.
- Is the jar full? What else are we grateful for?
Family Gratitude Quilt (for children 3-5)
This is a family art project, creating and assembling a paper “quilt” of gratitude.
- We’re going to create a family gratitude quilt. Let’s each count out six squares of paper.
- On each, let’s use pencils or crayons to draw something we’re grateful for: (1) something from nature, (2) something related to family, (3) something related to friends, (4) an experience we’ve had, (5) something related to our home or neighborhood, (6) a toy or stuffed animal we have.
- Now let’s create our quilt by arranging the squares in a grid and taping or stapling them together.
Thank You Cards (for children 3-5)
This is a craft activity that can help children to express gratitude.
- There are so many reasons to say thank you! Let’s make and send a thank you note to someone for whom we are grateful. They may have given us something, helped us in some way, or simply been kind.
- Tell me about your gratitude. I’ll write down your words in a card. Then you can decorate it!
- Let’s send our thank you note. How do you think the person will feel when they receive this wonderful card?
Thank a Helper (for children 1.5 years old - 5 years old)
Thank people in your community!
- Let’s take a walk and look for helpers in our community.
- Let’s look for crossing guards, sanitation workers, delivery people, neighbors cleaning the sidewalk, and anyone else who is helping to make our neighborhood better.
- When we see a helper, let’s thank them for their hard work!
Thanksgiving Tale (for children 1.5 years old - 5 years old)
Make up a story about foods you love to express thanks for them.
- Let’s think about all the foods we love to eat!
- Every time I say a food I love to eat, I’ll say, “mmm-mmm!” and rub my belly.
- You do it, too, if you love the food!