Lunar New Year
January 31, 2022 by Admin 0 Comments

Learning Through Holidays

It’s the Year of the Tiger!

Lunar New Year

More than 1 billion people across the world are saying “bye bye” to the Ox and “welcome!” to the Tiger this Lunar New Year, which begins on Feb. 1, 2022.

It’s a time of celebration in parts of Asia and around the world as families gather, eat, and celebrate the new year.

Even if YOUR family doesn’t celebrate Lunar New Year, this is a wonderful time for all families to learn about their own identities and explore the other people and cultures, similarities and differences that surround us.

Teachers and parents can help by: 

  1. Reading stories about the holiday
  2. Being inspired by art & food
  3. Noticing similarities and differences
What is Lunar New Year?

“Lunar” means “moon” and the “Lunar New Year” celebrates the beginning of the lunar calendar, which is based on the 12 phases of the moon. 

In the same way that many families celebrate the New Year on January 1, the Lunar New Year is an opportunity to look forward and create goals for the coming year.

Each lunar year is represented by one of 12 zodiac animals. Each animal is associated with different traits. For example, this year is “Tiger,” which is known for its bravery and strength. Children born this year are thought to have some of the tiger’s traits! 

Families and communities have different ways of celebrating the holiday, including: 

  • Festivals and parades
  • Wearing red, which is considered a good luck color
  • Lights and fireworks
  • Family gatherings and special meals
Lunar New Year Stories

There are lots of wonderful picture books that you and your child can read to learn about the Lunar New Year. Here are a few great options to get you started: 

The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac 

By Christopher Corr

The Runaway Wok: A Chinese New Year Tale 

by Ying Chang Compestine and Illustrated by Sebasita Serra

How to Catch a Dragon 

By Adam Wallace and Andy Elkerton

Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas 

By Natasha Yim and Illustrated by Grace Zong

Art and Food

The foods that families eat on the Lunar New Year aren’t just food! They represent good luck, prosperity, and togetherness. Here are some examples: Long noodles represent long lives; dumplings and steamed fish stand for wealth and abundance; sticky rice balls stand for togetherness. 

The art and decorations of the holiday also hold meaning. For example, many families decorate with lucky colors red and gold. 

You can learn more about Lunar New Year by exploring the tastes and colors of the holiday. Be sure to talk to friends and neighbors who celebrate to learn more! Here are some ideas for kid-friendly projects you can try to explore the art and food of the holiday: 

Noticing Similarities and Differences

Each of us has an identity — it’s related to who WE are, which is related to our thoughts and beliefs and the traditions of our families and communities. Each of us is different, but we also have a lot in common with other people around the world. 

Parents and educators can help prepare children to thrive in our diverse world by helping them learn about their own identities AND by helping them to observe other people and notice the many similarities and differences that surround us. 

When various holidays are celebrated around the world, we have an opportunity to think about and explore identity, similarities, and differences with the children in our lives. For the Lunar New Year, try asking:

  • How do we celebrate the new year? 
  • Why do we celebrate the new year? 
  • What are our wishes for the year ahead? 
  • What was the animal in the lunar calendar the year YOU were born? (Here’s a page on National Geographic Kids where you can look up your animal.)
  • What are some things that are similar and different between the new year’s celebration on January 1 and the Lunar New Year? 


January 12, 2022 by Admin 0 Comments

Featured Content For January

Playful activities that help build social and emotional skills should be a part of every early childhood experience, especially right now — when routines and normal social interactions have been interrupted for many families.

With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day coming up, Sparkler is featuring activities focused on growing children’s mental health and social-emotional learning to help families raise young upstanders who help make the world a better place.

Play to Honor MLK Day and Raise Young Upstanders
  • Trust Steps: Take your child on a trust walk, inspired by the MLK quote, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Why? Taking a trust walk with children is a classic way to build trust and explore perception.
  • Mover: Inspired by the MLK quote, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” Why? Act out Dr. King’s words to exercise big muscles, practice persistence, and even strengthen memory skills. 
  • The “NO” Song: Replace the lyrics of a familiar song with every toddler’s favorite word. Why? Singing The NO Song is a fun way for children to practice advocating for themselves (a first step towards becoming an upstander) and practice self-regulation.
Help Children Grow Up to be Upstanders
Raise Upstanders

Upstanders are brave people who stand up and take action when they see something that isn’t right or fair. People who help make big societal changes (like Rosa Parks) are upstanders, and so are kids who stand up for friends. When “upstanders” see something that isn’t right or fair, they stand up rather than just ignoring the problem — which is what a “bystander” does.


Learn More: Listen to the Little Kids, Big Hearts Podcast
Help Families Support Social and Emotional Learning
For Babies (Birth-1.5)
  • Raspberries: Blow raspberries to tickle baby’s belly. Why? Connecting with your child will boost your mood and theirs. Plus, you can practice responding to each other’s emotions.
  • Copycat: Imitate one another’s facial expressions. Why? Imitating your facial expressions is a precursor to developing empathy.
Grow social emotional skills
For Toddlers (Ages 1.5-2)
  • Feelings Mirror: Watch your reflections express different emotions. Why? Learning the names of different emotions will help your child learn to identify and share their feelings.
  • Sunshine In A Bottle: Make a sensory bottle the color of sunshine. Why? Sensory bottles are a great tool to help children self-regulate and calm their emotions.
For Littles (Ages 3-5)
  • Punching Pillow: Make a safe place to express big feelings. Why? A punching pillow (or bag) offers children a way to express the negative feelings like aggression, anger or frustration that everyone experiences.
Providers: How YOU Can Share Sparkler Content with Families

Parents can find hundreds of playtime activities in Sparkler to fuel learning on the go. Help your families find this month’s featured activities. Suggest these fun activities to the parents of babies, toddlers, and littles to help families make playing part of their daily routines!

If you sign into the Sparkler dashboard, you can visit the Library to find and share these activities and tips to individual parents or groups of families. (If you need a refresher on how to use the Library to share content with families, please watch our short webinar.)

January 12, 2022 by Admin 0 Comments

January Sparkler CT Calendar

Please click the link to RSVP. We’d love to see you at one of our upcoming events for CT-based providers. 
If you have questions that you don’t think will be addressed in one of our upcoming events, please reach out to 

Kids Playing in Sand
January 11, 2022 by Amanda Heath 0 Comments

We Can Help Families Understand Children’s Social and Emotional Development

Parents, grandparents, teachers, and other education providers have a lot of questions right now about social and emotional learning‚ a broad set of skills related to children’s behaviors and skills related to feelings, self-regulation, interaction with others. 

Across the State of Connecticut, we’ve seen an increase in families completing the ASQ:SE-2, which is the Ages & Stages Questionnaire® focused on social and emotional learning. This questionnaire is available via Sparkler to all Connecticut families with young children and can be a useful tool to help families and providers understand children’s social and emotional development. 

As a complement to the ASQ-3, which measures five domains of development (communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving and personal-social), the ASQ:SE-2 focuses on infants’ and young children’s social-emotional skill development.

Seven Core Behavioral Areas

The questionnaire measures seven core “behavioral areas,” according to Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc., the publisher of the ASQs (source): 

  1. Self-regulation — A child’s ability or willingness to calm or settle down or adjust to physiological or environmental conditions or stimulation
  2. Compliance — A child’s ability or willingness to conform to the direction of others and follow rules
  3. Adaptive functioning — A child’s success or ability to cope with physiological needs (e.g., sleeping, eating, elimination, safety)
  4. Autonomy — A child’s ability or willingness to self-initiate or respond without guidance (i.e., independence) 
  5. Affect — A child’s ability or willingness to demonstrate his or her own feelings and empathy for others
  6. Social-communication — A child’s ability or willingness to interact with others by responding to or initiating verbal or nonverbal signals to indicate interests or needs, feelings, and affective or internal states
  7. Interaction — A child’s ability or willingness to respond or to initiate social responses to parents, other adults, and peers.

The ASQ:SE-2 can give families and providers a sense of if everything is on track or if there might be a need for further evaluation of a child’s social and emotional behaviors.  

It has nine age intervals that can be completed as early as 1 month to 72 months. The questionnaire is intended to be filled out by parents or any caregiver that knows the child well.   Parents/caregivers can complete one questionnaire for a “snapshot” at that moment or the entire series to monitor social and emotional development over time.  

Once a parent has completed the questionnaire, Sparkler scores it automatically and providers see the scored questionnaire in their Sparkler dashboard. 

Each type of response (often or always, sometimes, and never or rarely) has an assigned point value, and additional points are given if a question is marked as a concern. 

The ASQ:SE-2 has three score cut-offs: On Schedule, Monitor, or Refer. 

When the questionnaire scores On Schedule, it indicates that the child’s social-emotional development appears to be typical. For a score within Monitor,  there may be some follow up required to address areas of concerns and continue to check in over time on progress. A score within Refer indicates that there may be a need for further evaluation to address concerns with the child’s social-emotional development.  

What Can You Do if Someone Has Concerns or Might Need Support

As a provider, you can offer different resources to families, depending on their concerns and how their children score on the questionnaire. For example: 

  • Playgroups through the local Family Resource Center or public library
  • Home visiting
  • Early Childhood Consultation Partnership (ECCP)
  • Parenting education programs
  • Parenting support programs
  • Child First/Child Guidance
  • Birth to Three
  • Preschool Special Education

If you ever have a question or need related to a specific child, 211 Child Development Care Coordinators are available to support you and help you to identify a resource that would be appropriate. Providers and families can reach us on our direct line at 1-800-505-7000. We are available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

January 11, 2022 by Julia Levy 0 Comments

Social and Emotional Learning Infographic

At the start of the 2021-22 school year, six in ten U.S. parents said their top concern for the coming school year is their child’s social and emotional wellness, about double the percentage of parents who voiced concerns about their children’s academic learning (source). 

Social and emotional learning is top of mind, but what is it, why does it matter, and how can educators and parents prioritize it right now? Learn more in Sparkler’s new infographic about social and emotional learning. 

Sparkler SEL InfoGraphic (800 x 2800 px) (2)


49th Annual PDK Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools. Academic achievement isn’t the only mission: Americans overwhelmingly support investments in career preparation, personal skills. Kappan magazine supplement, PDK, September, 2017.

Clive Belfield, Brooks Bowden, Alli Klapp, Henry Levin, Robert Shand, Sabine Zander. The Economic Value of Social and Emotional LearningCenter for Benefit-Cost Studies in Education Teachers College, Columbia University, February, 2015.

Julie Cohen, Ngozi Onunaku, Steffanie Clothier, and Julie Poppe. Helping Young Children Succeed: Strategies to Promote Early Childhood Social and Emotional DevelopmentZero to Three, 2005.

Emma DornBryan HancockJimmy Sarakatsannis, and Ellen Viruleg. COVID-19 and education: The lingering effects of unfinished learning. McKinsey & Company, July 27, 2021. 

Joseph Drulak, Roger Weissberg, Allison B. Dymincki and Rebecca Taylor, and Kriston B. Schellinger. The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: An Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions. Child Development, January/February 2011.)

Susan D. Hillis et al. COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood and Caregiver Death in the United States. Pediatrics, December 1, 2021.

Damon E. JonesMark Greenberg, and Max Crowley. Early Social-Emotional Functioning and Public Health: The Relationship Between Kindergarten Social Competence and Future Wellness. American Journal of Public Health, October, 2015.

Stephanie M. Jones, Emily J. Doolittle et al. The Future of Children. Social and Emotional Learning. Princeton, Brookings, Volume 27, Number 1, Spring 2017.

McGraw Hill 2021 SEL Survey. 2021 Social and Emotional Learning Report. McGraw Hill, 2021.

Vivek H. Murthy, M.D., M.B.A. U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Protecting Youth Mental Health. December, 2021.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child.  Establishing a Level Foundation for Life: Mental Health Begins in Early Childhood: Working Paper 6. Updated Edition, 2008/2012.

Paul Terefenko. Q&A With Paul Tough: Environment Matters for Student Success. EducationWeek, June 30, 2016.

Roger Weissberg. Promoting the Social and Emotional Learning of Millions of School Children. Perspectives on Psychological Science, January 18, 2019.

Roger Weissberg. Why Social and Emotional Learning is Essential for Students. Edutopia, Feb. 15, 2016.

Dana Teaching
January 10, 2022 by Dana Stewart 0 Comments

COVID’s Impact on Social and Emotional Learning — And How We Can Help Kids Thrive

Dana and Georgia
The author walking with her daughter

As an early childhood educator and mother of a young child, I am acutely aware of the challenges educators and families have faced over the last 22 months. 

My daughter was born about a month before we all went into lockdown in March 2020. As we near her second birthday, it’s hard to believe distancing, face masks, separation from friends and family, and uncertainty have been the norm for her entire life. 

It’s unfathomable to think that more than more than 167,000 (roughly 1 in 450) U.S. children have lost a parent or grandparent caregiver to the virus (source). 

As parents and educators, we need to consider the impact this “new normal” is having on our individual children and on society as a whole, especially since we know how important the first three years of life are in children’s development (source). And we need to think about what we can do to support young children, even as they face today’s challenges. 

COVID’s Impact on Children’s Social and Emotional Learning

There’s been a lot written about “learning loss” in the older grades (source) (source), but there’s also a growing body of reports and research assessing the impact of the pandemic on children’s mental wellness and social-emotional learning. 

Last month, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek H. Murthy released a youth mental health advisory. He wrote: “Supporting the mental health of children and youth will require a whole-of-society effort to address longstanding challenges, strengthen the resilience of young people, support their families and communities, and mitigate the pandemic’s mental health impacts.” 

A recent study from Columbia University and published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that that babies born in the first year of the pandemic, between March and December 2020 scored slightly lower on the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) at 6 months of age than children born before the pandemic began. 

“We were surprised to find absolutely no signal suggesting that exposure to COVID while in utero was linked to neurodevelopmental deficits. Rather, being in the womb of a mother experiencing the pandemic was associated with slightly lower scores in areas such as motor and social skills, though not in others, such as communication or problem-solving skills. The results suggest that the huge amount of stress felt by pregnant mothers during these unprecedented times may have played a role,” said Dani Dumitriu, MD, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and lead investigator of the study.

Dr. Dumitriu said these small shifts — at a population level — could have a “significant public health impact.” 

Another recent article indicates that mask wearing by adults and children may impact children’s social and emotional development as masks can impair our ability to recognize others’ emotions. This is particularly difficult for preschoolers who are just learning this complex skill. 

Despite our best efforts at transitioning our rich classrooms to “virtual learning environments,” enrollment is down across the country (source). 

Some families chose to delay their children’s first school experience while others pulled their children out of programs when distance learning options weren’t working well for them. Those who are currently enrolled certainly missed a good part of the school experience through the height of the pandemic. 

All of this missed schooling is reflected in increased behavioral challenges reported by parents and parents’ increased worries about their children’s social and emotional development and well-being (source). 

“The year that they were out of school was a year that they didn’t have the opportunities for developing the social skills that normally happen during their period of development,” Dr. Tami Benton told NPR recently. “And you’re sort of catching up on all of that under extraordinary circumstances.” (source). 

This is as true for preschool children as it is for those in K-12 schools.

Dana teaching, long before COVID-19, masks, and distancing.
How Can We Support Social and Emotional Learning for the Children of COVID?

There is still much to learn about the short- and long-term effects of the pandemic on early social and emotional learning (source). The question is: What can we do to help support our children, especially our youngest children who have lived most (or all) of their lives during this disrupted time? 

Here are 5 suggestions from a long-time educator and mom of a toddler: 

  • Focus on Feelings: Help children clearly express their feelings by using specific language when supporting child-to-child interactions. Exaggerate your facial expressions if you are wearing a mask.
  • Acknowledge ALL the Stress: We all feel stress, whether we’re preschoolers, parents, teachers, or administrators. It’s fine to explain in age-appropriate language to your child that grown-ups get stressed out, too. And a little grace goes a long way! 
  • Calm Down: Practice and model strategies like deep breathing. Create a cozy space in your classroom or home that a child can choose to visit if they need a break.
  • Adjust Expectations: Assume that each child is doing his or her best at any given moment. If a system isn’t working for a student, adjust the system rather than expecting the child to conform.
  • Practice Peer Interactions: Learning to make friends, share, and solve problems with friends is important, but what feels “safe” is different for all families and keeps changing as the pandemic evolves. Find what works best for your child. As Dr. Kavita Tahilani explained, parents can find smaller, less intense ways for children to practice peer interactions. This may mean one-on-one playdates outside or virtual playdates using a common material like playdough.

With our focused, thoughtful attention to social emotional learning and the mental health of children and parents, the children in our care will be able to move past this time with resilience and strength.