Since the announcement, Connecticut has seen families sign up nearly 2,000 for Sparkler and has seen more than 1,600 ASQ-3s and ASQ:SE-2s completed via Sparkler.
Of the ASQ-3s completed, about half were on schedule in all categories; 28% had a “monitor” in at least one category; and 21% had at least one “refer.” Fine motor skills led to the greatest number of monitors and refers.
There has been a particular interest in the social-emotional questionnaire since the statewide announcement, with the numbers of completions nearly keeping pace with the comprehensive ASQ-3, which covers communication, fine motor, gross motor, problem-solving, and personal-social skills. Since October 2021, 78% of ASQ:SE-2s completed using Sparkler in Connecticut have scored on schedule on this questionnaire.
All families who have completed screenings have received feedback from Care Coordinators at 211 Child Development or from their CT-based program/provider.
Since October, Sparkler has also onboarded dozens of new schools, districts, and other CT-based providers, who are now using Sparkler to connect with and engage with families.