Feelings Unit (Toddlers)
Lesson 3: Feelings Detectives
Lesson Goals
- Reviewing our definition of “feelings”
- Reviewing our list of feelings
- Practicing identifying and naming feelings
Lesson Description
Students will use sounds (from the kazoo and music) to practice being feelings detectives and identifying the feelings. They will meet your puppet, a teaching tool that will help students to talk openly about feelings.
Lesson Plan: What Are Feelings?
Play "Us Time" Song
Open Us Time with the “Us Time” song. Sing it together or play the video.
Review Agreements
Review the agreements. Ask everyone to recommit! Is there any new agreement you or the class wants to add?

Discussion: What Are Feelings?
Share a list of feelings using the feelings grid or by saying the feelings aloud: Happy, Sad, Angry, Calm, Scared, Silly.
Tell the class that you are going to pretend to have one of the feelings, can they guess which one? Use exaggerated facial expressions and body language to display each feeling.
When they guess, encourage children to make facial expressions along with you.

Dance & Play "Guess the Feelings"
Play the song “Guess the Feelings.” Dance to the music. Invite students to guess the feelings that go with each sound as they listen and dance.
Closing Discussion
Finish with a review:
- What were the feelings we talked about?
- What are some ways WE can be feelings detectives throughout the day?
Thank You: Share the Us Time Closing Song
Conclude with “Thank You,” the Us Time “goodbye” song. This song marks the end of Us Time. Invite children to share what they want to say “thank you” for! Find the song online at playsparkler.org/UsTimeSongs.
- ELOF: Goal P-SE 6, Goal P-SE 8, Goal P-LC 1, Goal P-LC-2, Goal P-LC 4, Goal P-LC 6
- CT ELDS: SE.24.7, SE.36.7, SE.48.7, SE.60.9, L.36.3, L.48.3, L.60.4, L.36.5, L.48.5, L.60.5, L.36.11, L.48.11, L.60.10
What You'll Need
- Your “Us Time” classroom space, where the class will gather
Kazoo (or use your hand and voice to imitate a kazoo)
Puppet (optional)
- Feelings Grid PDF
Lesson Quick Links
- “Us Time” song
- “How You Feel” from Noggin’s Big Heart Beats Album
- “Dance Your Feelings” song
- Feelings Grid
- “Thank You” goodbye song
Family Engagement Materials
From this lesson, you can share:
- “Us Time” song
- “Dance Your Feelings” song
- “Guess The Feelings” song
- Feelings Grid
- “Thank You” goodbye song
Explore Other Us Time Resources
- Sparkler Educator Resources Home Page
- 1. Us Time Intro! for Toddlers or Littles
- 2. What are feelings? for Toddlers or Littles
- 3. Feelings Detectives! for Toddlers or Littles
- 4. Big Feelings: Anger for Toddlers or Littles
- 5. Big Feelings: Sadness for Toddlers or Littles
- 6. Empathy: Sharing Feelings for Toddlers or Littles
- 7. Feelings Party (Review) for Toddlers or Littles