Use Books to Spark Heart-to-Heart Conversations
Picture books can teach lifelong lessons about identity, feelings, friendship, and other aspects of social and emotional learning. Each month, Big Heart World partners, including First Book, School Library Journal, Empowering Education, and AppleTree Institute, are hand picking books that can help parents, caregivers, and educators introduce children to different social and emotional learning topics that help them grow big hearts.
In February, many people celebrate Valentine’s Day — a time when we think about LOVE, one of the biggest feelings we have as people. Valentine’s Day is about more than roses and chocolates, cards and conversation hearts. Read books selected by the team at Sparkler Learning with your little one to explore different kinds of love: love between mothers and children, love between siblings, love between friends. As you read, observe the illustrations and talk through our discussion questions to explore this big feeling.
First Book Picks: Upstanding
First Book Picks: Global Citizenship
First Book Picks: Helping
School Library Journal Picks: Helping
First Book Picks: Problem Solving
School Library Journal Picks: Problem Solving
First Book Picks: Empathy
School Library Journal Picks: Empathy
First Book Picks:
Friendship Starts With Kindness
School Library Journal Picks:
School Library Journal Picks: Similarities and Differences
First Book Picks: Similarities and Differences
Empowering Education: Practice Mindfulness with Twin Rabbits
Peppy Pals: Books about Relationships
SLJ: New Books That Explore Feelings
Books About Identity and Belonging
Thank you to our friends at First Book, SLJ, Empowering Education, and AppleTree Institute for helping to recommend awesome books to our community!