Adapt this letter and send it home to introduce Sparkler's Us Time to Families

Dear Parents: 

In our classroom, we are using Us Time, a framework for classroom community meetings for young students. The curriculum incorporates activities, songs, and stories to grow kids’ hearts (social and emotional skills), and build other fundamental early skills, too, in the process. 

Every Us Time lesson begins with a song, which indicates to the students that we’ll be sitting together and talking/sharing. We then discuss agreements that we’ve devised as a class (e.g., listening to each other, respecting each other). For the remainder of the session, we’ll listen to music, do activities, have classroom discussions, or read and discuss stories.  The lesson concludes with a “goodbye” song — Us Time: Thank You.

The lessons are all linked with materials from Sparkler — a family engagement and support app that we use in our program. I’ll send you activities that you can do at home that will enable you and your child to keep the conversation (and learning) going at home!

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about Us Time!
