Crayons respond to the strength of children’s pressure and movements across the paper, making them a great art supply to use when discussing feelings like anger. Practice Scribble Your Anger Out to give children a way to practice managing angry feelings:

  • Let’s get out our crayons and make feelings art.
  • Let’s imagine the last time each of us felt really angry.
  • Let’s pick a color (or colors) that represent that feeling.
  • Let’s close our eyes, take a deep breath, and think about how anger feels. When you’re ready, open your eyes and start to draw with our crayon.
  • As you draw, think about anger: how does it make you feel? Where in your body do you feel it? What color does it remind you of? What reminds you of the feeling?
  • Let’s talk about how your fingers, hands, wrists, and arms move while you’re drawing. How does your hand feel when you’re finished?
  • Let’s look at all of our finished art.