Please Note: Take a moment to consider the home situations of the students in your class before beginning this activity. Some children with unstable or otherwise challenging family circumstances may not be able to participate. If this is the case, you might decide to invite the children to paint/draw family portraits instead of using photos.

  • Ask each family to send in one photo of their family for a class project. Encourage families to define “family” in any way that they choose.
  • During free play/choice time, individually interview each child about their photo. Possible questions include:
    • Who is in your family photo?
    • How many people are in your family?
    • How many brothers and sisters are in your family?
    • How many adults are in your family? How many children?
    • Do you have any animals in your family?
    • What is the same about everyone in the photo?
    • What are the differences among the people in the photo?
    • What do you like to do with your family?
    • What do you love about your family?
  • Assemble a class book of families, with each student’s family photo and interview answers on a single page (you may put the photo on one side of the paper and their answers on the opposite side).