The below named Guest does hereby consent to the recording and distribution of reproduction(s) of the Guest's voice and performance as part of the media program entitled “LITTLE KIDS, BIG HEARTS” (herein referred to as the "Program"). This is to confirm that the undersigned has agreed to be interviewed or otherwise participate in the Program, a production of Sparkler Learning.
As a condition of publication/broadcast, Sparkler Learning requests the non-exclusive worldwide rights to reproduce and distribute your oral presentation, in whole or in part, in any media, as part of this Program published under the auspices of Sparkler Learning. Sparkler Learning shall have the right to edit and/or transcribe your presentation.
You also grant Sparkler Learning the right to use your name, biography and likeness in connection with the Program.
You warrant that publication/broadcast will not infringe on the rights of others, and that you have full power to grant this license.
If the foregoing terms are satisfactory, please fill and sign below.
I hereby consent to the use of my oral presentation as described and agree with the provisions of this release form: