If you have RSVP’d, we are excited to see you on October 24, 2023 for our second annual Spark Early Learning in CT convening. It will be a day-long gathering of educators, healthcare providers, parents/caregivers, home visitors, policymakers, community leaders, and advocates, who will discuss and workshop ideas related to Sparkler, developmental screening, play-based learning, and supporting families across the state of Connecticut. It is free to attend thanks to Sparkler’s partnership with the CT Office of Early Childhood. The event is presented in partnership with OEC as well as our colleagues at 211 Child Development.

Event Details


When: Tuesday, Oct. 24. Arrival 9 AM – 9:30 AM. The event will run until 4 PM.

Where: Connecticut Science Center (250 Columbus Blvd, Hartford, CT 06103) 

Questions? Please email support@playsparkler.org.